Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am learning that we really have two seasons. October 15th - April 15th and April 15th - October 15th. During the Fall/Winter season, I was nudged to be more quiet, slower and introverted. All I wanted to do was to bake, cook, read and knit. I spent a lot of time finishing up home projects.
Building and caring for my nest. I thoroughly enjoyed this time.... felt so content just at home. I experienced for the first time, snow! The most beautiful wonderland. I couldn't believe how I was moved emotionally each time the snow fell. Pure bliss... until I had to shovel the driveway!!

We live in small home and in the winter it just seems cozy. The fire was on most of the time and we snugged down at night with pounds of covers on top of us. It was so hard to get up in the morning, especially when it was 17 degrees outside. No I don't have auto air or heat, just a propane fireplace which kept us warm all winter!! Wanted to be the mountain momma with a wooden stove, but decided I would rather be warm. Best money spent!!

Now it is April 25th, 10 days after the beginning of our spring/summer season. It is still cool in the morning, mid 40's, but warms up in the afternoon to low 70's. The sun is beginning to warm up the earth, the daffodils are blooming, the birds are singing; mother earth is waking up from winter and is stretching her arms and taking a big breath of fresh air!!

My desires are shifting to wanting to be out in the world. I have been visiting all of the shops that I know the owners of, been taking more exercise classes, and finding that my creative juices are beginning to flow easily... I have been moving my baking company from concept to reality! All things fresh and new are right in front of me everyday... I feel refreshed from my long winters rest.
Ready to move forward towards new beginnings....

One of the bonus benefits from living in the country is that if you are willing and able to... you can become a part of the natural process and cycle of the seasons. It feels so good to be in sync with mother earth. Thank for showing me how I can live as one with you.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

april/may sponsorship.

Help preserve Yosemite -- Join hikers and backpackers of all abilities on Muir's
March July 28-Aug 3:
thank you Kathy for your support!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

spring break

I started this post last week and was going to wait to finish it then post... but since it has taken me longer than expected, i am going to post what i have so far....

it is spring break for my son, and we are back in the bay area visiting my mom, friends and the beach.
i woke up this morning feeling like i had been run over by a mack truck so they say. i have been keeping us on our usual sleep schedule... but this morning, i had overslept by 3 hours!

i spent the day running errands while my mom watched my son. yesterday didn't phase me much, a trip to ikea and then to the park for a very long playdate. my son's best best friend is here and i wanted him to get as much "jax" time as he could.

today was a different story. no distraction of kids, catching up with friends. i was alone in my car dealing with the immense amount of traffic, noise, people, chaos, confusion and busyness. with blue tooths or cell phones attached to their ears, everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere important. hardly looking up to cross the street, these "people" all dressed up in their "work" clothes were moving at the speed of sound.

the air was filled with a sweet combination of a multitude of soaps and after shaves, with a hint of the perfume you would find at the counter of saks fifth avenue. i have not smelled so many fragrances all at once since i worked at macys next to the cosmetic department.

i was overwhelmed by the amount of stimulation that filled my body. the sights, the smells, the noise, the chaos, and yet i lived here for nearly my entire life before moving to the mountains. did i just not realize the intensity of this environment or did i try to shield it out for so many years?

more to follow.