Sunday, March 17, 2013

more about the six spoons a day.

morning... not a restful one.

so, yesterday I used up 5 spoons and 2 large spoons, clearly that is more than 6. the last thing I did before bedtime was to write a couple of important emails. not a good idea. I was over tired and had my head spinning... didn't fall asleep until 3am-ish.

I was able to sleep in a little this morning by bribing my son with my phone to play on, but I am feeling like I am already down at least by 2 spoons today.

it will be interesting how much I actually get down on my wish list for sunday.
somethings will have to give, and hopefully it wont be me.

time for a very large cup of coffee....
drank my coffee and had to re-evaluate the priorities of the day. laundry is for sure high on the list. the better organized I am going into a new week, the better. but laundry depletes me rather than filling me. so to counter balance, I am baking with my new mini bundt pans. baking always make me happy! while the cakes are in the oven, I am catching up on facebook and blogs. cakes should be out of the oven in a few minutes and while they are cooling I will begin the daunting task of getting our laundry organized. then lunch.

did the laundry, baked, did dishes, went to pick up our finds from the garage sale, grocery shopping, now home. have used up my spoons for the day. and am feeling it. so much for zumba, painting and gardening. rest of the day is about resting and relaxing. somewhere around 5.00 it will be dinner prep, bath time for my son and early to bed. it is already 4.04, so I think I can finish out the day!! my son told me that when I run out of spoons, I become mommy cranky pants... yup, that's me!!

clearly I need to save at least 2 spoons for between 4-8pm. getting dinner ready, my son bathed, in bed, wrap up the day, and in bed myself... takes 2 spoons. I try to get us in bed by 6.30. read until 7.00-7.30 and asleep soon after, especially on sunday night. but not tonight, my son is in the bath playing away... haven't finished up the day. and I am aiming for sleep by 8pm. wish me well.!!

so if I need to save 2 spoons for between 4-8pm. then I only have 4 during the day. how the heck am I suppose to get everything done??? no wonder I am always exhausted and mommy cranky pants by 4pm.

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