yesterday started with a volunteer appreciation breakfast at my son's school. I had received this
invitation last week and thought, why am I invited? I haven't done near as much as I would
have liked to... I went anyway... the library was filled with 20 or so moms and dads who are
involved with the school is all sorts of ways. I was greeted by the principal who I have grown
to really appreciate and respect.
I sat down at a table, a very little low table with little low chairs... and realized that I knew at least
by face every single person at this table and most of the others as well. the fourth grade read us poems, the kindergarten sang us songs, it was so sweet. every teacher came by at some point to
thank us for our participation...
I had to leave early to make my 9:00 meeting in the next town down the hill. this meeting was one I had only been to once before. it is a support group for grandparents and relatives who are raising their grandchildren or relatives. I had asked if I could join. I am not a grandparent but am as old as one!!
at 53, raising a 7 year old, adopted son, I often feel like a grandparent in this community where when
you are 53, you are a grandparent not a mom of a 7 year old. well, I was welcomed with open arms to this group. even though it is quite small, the facilitator and the attendees are lovely and warm. we are all dealing with the issue of age and parenting. most of us have children with special needs; adhd, add, autism, anxiety, depression, social issues and or educational challenges. with only one doctor in this area who specializes with these issues, we have a lot to share with one another. what an amazing source of support, friendship and education. I am so glad I reached out to this group. and now am a part of this community of grandparents.
what happened yesterday wasn't just about the joy of feeling welcomed, the most profound moment I felt was when I was driving from one gathering to another.
as I walked out of my son's school, i took a big breathe of the most delicious cold fresh air, slightly tinted with fresh pine and wood stove smoke. this fresh air reminds me every day about the amount of nature we live amongst. having lived in the bay area for so long, I had forgotten how sweet fresh air tastes.
as I drove out of the parking lot from his school, I saw the lake that we spend our summers enjoying, and am reminded of the joy of our summers and the beauty of the changing seasons within this lake.
I continued on my drive and found that i am not battling traffic, waiting for traffic lights, hearing cars honking or seeing people rushing from place to place. i drove down the hill for about 14 miles and as i drove i witnessed the beauty of the changing scenery from big tall pine trees to smaller brush to vineyards. the distance between these two towns is about 1500 ft in altitude which presents itself by a change in scenery that is like a beautiful painting. i drive this drive at least 3 times a week for appointments, for knitting circle and to see friends. i love this drive!
yesterday was different.
i was overwhelmed by the amount of beauty i live amongst.
i was grateful for having made the choice to move here.
i was filled with joy that i finally felt like i was home.
yes, i am home.
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