wrote this 5 days ago...
next posts are:
slice of my life 9
baking company 3
something special 28
as you can see, I needed to figure out where I was... ready for slice of my life #9, the big heart baking company #3 and something special #28+. being that it is February 14th, which means we are at day 45 into the new year and I am only at 37 in my total posts... I have some catching up to do.
earlier this week, I felt so much free floating anxiety... couldn't really pinpoint it, but finally realized that I hadn't written in over a week. I am realizing just how important it is to write everyday.
it is the one activity that grounds me while amongst the daily chaos of life. I am someone who has always had tons of ideas, lots of creativity, unrealistic expectations of myself and those around me and as this overachieving person, I begin to spin out of control when I don't ground myself. yes, likely adhd, never have been diagnosed but as I am reading more and more about it, I sure do have a lot of the tendencies... my favorite is to hyper focus. getting to a point where I am so absorbed in what I am doing that the world around me disappears and I am just in the moment. love that!! and yes, I just burned the pizza because I am focused on writing...
in the past, getting myself grounded meant my body did it for me; break an ankle, break a foot, throw a blood clot... you get the picture. my challenge now is to keep myself grounded while in the midst of my life so that I can keep my body from grounded me. when you live with a chronic pain/fatigue condition, illness, whatever you want to call it, the delicate balance of being productive and staying grounded and rested is a daily challenge. often feels like walking a tightrope without a balance bar. all it takes is a slight breeze and I tip over...
being that i have had 7 hours of iep meetings for my son in the last two days, i am tipped over. thank goodness my mom is coming up tomorrow. hopefully i will be napping all weekend.
stay tuned....
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